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The Historyscoper's World News Blog

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The South still lies about the Civil War In an ongoing revisionist history effort, Southern schools and churches still pretend the war wasn't about slavery


1 comment:

Historyscoper said...

My reply:
Duh, the South seceded because of slavery, then whined that the North should leave them alone because of states' rights. That argument never worked, so when will they give it up? Actually, once they joined the Union, only the Union, that is Congress, can give them permission to leave. They could have petitioned Congress for permission, becoming royal nuisances until maybe they got it, but instead they just seceded and told what was left of Congress to stuff it, no wonder war was declared and they were called rebels.

Too bad, the discovery of the internal combustion engine made slaves unprofitable, and if they had known they might have stayed in the Union and went with gradual emancipation, or even declared a phased emancipation and got British support to win independence. Either way, the world shrunk fast, and by WWI or WWII they might have wanted to rejoin, who knows? The big opportunity to repatriate the blacks to Africa was gone when the South was ruined economically, so they ended up stuck with them forever :)

Take my free Historyscoper online course on the U.S. Civil War, the best, and master all the key facts at your own pace if you are mature enough not to need a teacher cracking a, er, whip. Ditto my course on African-American history:
