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The Historyscoper's World News Blog

Monday, January 6, 2014

World War I never ended The idea that the Great War concluded in 1918 is absurd. The casualties continue to pile up today Michael Moran, GlobalPost


1 comment:

Historyscoper said...

World War I was the most shocking event in human history, forever ending the group fantasy that humanity was steadily progressing to a Golden Age of Peace and Plenty. Maybe the Titanic disaster in 1912 gave them a clue that the road would be rocky, but they never suspected how rocky until the blood started to flow like rivers. Even back country Bible thumpers like Alvin C. York were won over to the call to go to Europe and engage in wholesale slaughter. Surely wiser leaders could have avoided the whole mess? Or was it inevitable, and couldn't be stopped? Either way, WWII is just a pimple on the century's butt in comparison, and if there's a WWIII, it will trace back to WWI not WWII. Why couldn't white people just get along, form a U.S. of Europe, end the horror show ideology of Islam once and for all with determined occupation, and bequeath that Golden Age of P&P to us now? Was it a conspiracy? If so, it's not over yet, play the shark music.

It's the WWI Centennial year, and if you want to really appreciate 2014-2018 mentally, you need to go back in time and really learn the history of World War I in detail. There's a lot of books out, but they cost money, and paper is retro in the Age of the Internet. Where can you learn everything they teach and lots more free in your browser? From my cool World War I Historyscope at


Get the will to learn and find the time and catch up with what happened a century ago the fastest and most powerful way.