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The Historyscoper's World News Blog

Monday, July 1, 2013

Be employable, study philosophy


1 comment:

Historyscoper said...

Yes, there are vasts amounts of knowledge and wisdom to gain out there, but the job market unfortunately doesn't recognize much of it as a job credential, because they are in economic competition and want immediate problem-solvers, like knowledge of PHP and Ruby on Rails. Perhaps those who study higher education should think more about founding companies and wisely guiding their workers, setting the course for the ship, etc.

Speaking of vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom, the truth is that the traditional university system has to face the challenge of online education even to survive. When you finally figure out that it's history that's the queen of the sciences and want to get serious about learning it, join my team and come to the Historyscoper's Online World History School, which currently offers all kinds of superior courses free with no registration required, just hard mental work in an attempt to quantum entangle your brain with humanity's humongous history.